Mar 26, 2020
The coronavirus has now placed most of the country on quarantine. Businesses nationwide have been shutting down, but luckily for our industry, roofing is considered an "essential business". It is time to stay on offense and produce sales in unique, creative ways.
Mar 19, 2020
The coronavirus has left many roofing business owners feeling uncertain about what the future holds. It is essential to vocalize your ability to execute on your roofing services without human contact to your customers and employees.
Randy Bothers and Jake Dempsey discuss how to properly run your roofing company during...
Mar 12, 2020
Sales is the lifeblood to your roofing business, but production is the key to sustainable growth. It is essential to understand all the phases of the roofing production cycle to build a production system that will sustain all the growth your roofing company can handle.
Nathan Higgs with Higgs Professional Consulting...
Mar 5, 2020
In today's world, digital marketing is an effort to spread the word of your roofing brand across various digital channels, including search engines, social media, emails, etc. Implementing all these strategies will give your roofing brand an entire digital marketing ecosystem for long-term success. Nick...